The Fight City Podcast No. 49
Yesterday was a remarkable day in boxing history, for reasons both good and regrettable, so what better time to offer fight fans a new edition of our podcast, hosted as always by Alden Chodash, as he and site contributor Jeffrey Fuss discuss Juan Francisco Estrada’s thrilling split-decision victory over Roman Gonzalez in an early candidate for 2021’s Fight of the Year. Then it’s time to pay tribute to Marvelous Marvin Hagler, whose unexpected passing has shocked us all and caused us to appreciate anew his truly marvelous ring accomplishments. What a champion and what a career! Check it out:
“But that doesn’t mean he didn’t appreciate the attention of the fans, or the sound of his name being uttered in the same breath as that of fellow middleweight legends like Stanley Ketchel and Sugar Ray Robinson, or fellow all-time great southpaws like Tiger Flowers and Pernell Whitaker. He maintained a keen interest in boxing, though naturally he bristled when comparisons were made between a time of twelve round title fights and day-before weigh-ins, and his far more competitive era. He never shied away from passing judgment on the game and offering his opinions and perspective.
And that openness, that willingness to be candid and honest, was part of what earned him a devoted following among fight fans. In contrast to his great rival, Leonard, Marvin always said what he meant, and meant what he said. That, combined with the fact he took the hard, rough road to the top, fighting guys like Willie Monroe and Bobby Watts and Bennie Briscoe in their home city, earning all he ever got through sheer grit and grind, made him a model of perseverance, an inspiration. No one could question his integrity or the fact he deserved all the sweet rewards that came his way.”
From “Marvelous Marvin Hagler: 1954-2021” by Robert Portis