Feb. 11, 1949: Pep vs Saddler II

There is a certain mystique to legendary fights of yesteryear, a nostalgia that speaks of a time when ‘The Sweet Science’ was larger than life and ruled supreme. There are but a few wise old heads left lucky enough to have witnessed some of the greatest fights in boxing history, but with no film to view many of them, the rest of us are left to ponder just how great they really were.

The second meeting between Hartford’s Willie Pep and Harlem’s Sandy Saddler, a bout awarded Ring Magazine’s Fight of the Year award for 1949, is a perfect example of such a match. For most of us, all that is left are the stories of the fight’s immensity, stories told through newspaper men who were on hand to witness it, the words weaving a tale of the skill, bravery and guile on display.

Willie Pep
Willie Pep: aka “The Will O’the Wisp”

When Pep lost his title to Saddler on October 29th, 1948, many believed the career of one of the greatest featherweights of all-time had come to an abrupt end. Pep had been knocked out in the fourth round and the general consensus, as noted in a report in The Milwaukee Journal, was that he was finished: “Willie Pep is all washed up after losing his featherweight boxing championship to Sandy Saddler. That seems to be the consensus following Friday night’s stunning knockout victory for Saddler, a lean Harlem puncher, in 2:38 of the fourth round.”

While Pep may well have been the best featherweight the world has ever seen, the knockout loss to Saddler, the toll of some 136 fights, and the plane crash that nearly took his life in 1947, proved enough for many to label him a shot fighter. But, as the old adage goes, ‘beware the wounded warrior.’

Pep came to pre-eminence in 1942 when he outpointed fellow Hall of Fame inductee Albert “Chalky” Wright at Madison Square Garden in New York. He would be 62-0 before his first professional loss, a non-title decision to lightweight champion, Sammy Angott. The loss meant little in the featherweight division however, as Pep still ruled supreme and he would go unbeaten in 72 straight fights before running into the heavy hands of Saddler.

Sandy Saddler, the big puncher from Harlem took Pep's title in a four round knock out in '48.
Sandy Saddler took Pep’s title in a four round knockout in ’48.

Superlatives can’t do justice to Pep’s reign over the 126 pound division, but the shocking and violent manner in which Saddler had taken his crown resulted in few boxing fans believing Pep had what it took to take the title back. After all, Saddler’s run to the top was one that came by way of brute force. The lanky Harlem native owned one of the sport’s biggest punches and he had dispatched many a featherweight and lightweight with his vicious punches before finally getting his chance at the title.

Pep vs Saddler II was set for February 11th, 1949, but it took place only because of a clause in the contract between Pep and the Twentieth Century Sporting Club. Promoter Harry Markson held little hope that the rematch would be a success and a New York Times report referred to his surprise when the match proved to be a hot ticket.

The second meeting between the two featherweights wasn't expected to be the success it was.
The rematch between the two featherweights exceeded all expectations.

“Markson was agreeably surprised when the box office windows were first opened and a flood of orders for tickets came pouring in. He was even more surprised when these orders continued, and yesterday the fight impresario was downright bewildered as the late rush of applicants augured a certain capacity house. What seemed a white elephant at the start was transformed into a golden calf, one that promised to be worth more than $80,000 at the gate.”

Whether it was hope, respect, or a genuine belief that Willie Pep could in fact win his title back, it seemed as if the people had spoken: this was to be a fight of major importance. Some twenty thousand crammed into Madison Square Garden, just three months after the young lion from Harlem had devoured his older adversary, and the crowd was on hand to see whether the once-great Pep was up to the task of gaining his title back from such a ferocious opponent.

Pep vs Saddler
A capacity crowd was on hand to witness one of boxing’s greatest bouts.

The bell rang, and to the astonishment of the crowd, Pep went on the attack. He tattooed the face of Saddler with his quick left, landing some thirty-seven jabs in the opening stanza. The hand speed of the former champion was back, something many observers thought Pep had lost after watching his lacklustre performance in the first clash. The New York Times called Pep’s start to the bout “a demonstration of blinding speed that had Sandy looking like a novice.”

Saddler marched forward relentlessly, in spite of Pep’s jabs, but the Hartford slickster kept his heavy-hitting rival off him by way of his counter-punching prowess, as described by The Chicago Tribune: “Saddler was moving forward, measuring Willie with unblinking eyes, but Pep was too much for him with his counter-punching.” But counter-punching wasn’t Pep’s only strategy for keeping Saddler at bay. He utilized some ‘questionable tactics’ throughout the fight and was warned by the referee for wrestling in the first round and heeling Saddler in the face in the third.

But Pep couldn’t hold back forever the waves of destruction that were continually advancing and in the fourth the champion began to dent the defenses of the challenger. Sandy landed savage rips to the body and grazed Pep’s face numerous times, always just a few inches away from landing a blow that undoubtedly would have ended the contest, such was the dynamite power of Saddler’s fists.

Sandy landed a hard left in the fifth, opening a cut on Pep’s right cheek but the gash, which bled throughout the rest of the fight, did little to stop Pep from dominating his opponent. He landed all manner of punches over the next six rounds, attacking from every conceivable angle and displaying his supreme footwork, while avoiding the aggressive attempts from his adversary to land a knockout blow.

Pep vs Saddler
Pep displayed amazing skills and ring generalship.

Saddler started to gain momentum in the late rounds, opening a new cut over Pep’s right eye in the thirteenth and slamming home numerous teeth-rattling shots in the round that followed, but Pep weathered the storm and came out with his guns blazing for the final round. As The New York Times reported: “[Pep] gave his greatest thrill in the fifteenth when, after weathering the jarring fire of the fourteenth, he came back to fight Saddler all over the ring with a strength that few, if any, thought he possessed.”

The crowd erupted when the scores were announced and Pep’s hand was raised. “[W]ild turmoil broke out in the Garden,” reported The Chicago Tribune, “which was loaded with rabid Pep fans as announcer Johnny Addle gave the unanimous decision.”

Willie Pep had won back the featherweight championship of the world, becoming the first man to regain the title at 126 pounds since George Dixon back in 1898. But even more significantly, he had done it in spectacular fashion. While the second Pep vs Saddler battle had been competitive and exciting, all three judges scored for the famed “Will O’ The Wisp” by margins of five, six and seven points. The victory, and the way in which Pep bucked the odds and schooled such a capable and dangerous fighter, only solidified his place as one of the best boxers, pound-for-pound, of all-time.

Perhaps the words of famed boxing scribe James P. Dawson best illustrated the enormity of what Pep had achieved when he wrote: “Pep put up the greatest battle of his career. He called on every ounce of strength within his compact little body, and all the guile he has accumulated through eleven years as an amateur and professional fighter to gain the triumph. How well he succeeded is reflected in the tabulation of the officials. And in riding to victory he proved to be one of the greatest featherweight champions the ring has known.”        — Daniel Attias 

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12 thoughts on “Feb. 11, 1949: Pep vs Saddler II

  • May 12, 2020 at 2:58 pm

    I was twelve-years-old when my uncle took me to watch this marvelous boxing match on one of the few televisions in the city. I was being personally plagued by a bully on my street and knew the time was nearing when I would have to stand up to him and I feared that inevitable day. My uncle had been telling me of the great Willie Pep and how he was so skilled in terms of head movement and footwork that opponents could not hit him with solid punches. I had to witness Willie in action to see if I could copy his style in my coming dreaded fight. Watching his performance, I became Willie’s greatest fan. His technique was flawless and I cheered my young heart out as I watched the great champion box his way to victory. After that I trained and trained with Willie’s style in mind every day, privately, for nearly three months. And then the day came when my adversary cornered me and I had no choice but to fight. But I didn’t fight; I boxed. I moved and crouched and danced side to side, watching my opponent sliding by, and then I would pop him with clean blows and be away before he could hit back, drawing blood from his mouth and nose. He soon tired of the match and walked away in disgust, telling the crowd around us, “I can’t hit him.” What a glorious day! After that I never ducked a challenge again. Thank you, champion Willie Pep. And thank you to my uncle who knew I would love the great “Will ‘o the Wisp.” And I still do to this day. God bless Guglielmo Papaleo, aka the legendary Willie Pep!

    • July 19, 2020 at 10:14 pm

      Wonderful memory of a great boxer.

    • December 25, 2020 at 7:12 pm

      Thanks you so much for you story, sir. It was a great motivation to read it.

  • September 2, 2020 at 10:30 am

    Pep and Saddler met four times: Saddler won three, all inside the distance, while Pep won only won, by decision. Yet Pep is always hailed as the geatest feather of all time, not Saddler. Wonder why!?

    • February 12, 2021 at 8:09 am

      Because Pep fought and beat everyone! His only loss before his plane crash was against a bigger opponent. The plane crash took a lot out of Pep. Otherwise, maybe Saddler never beats him. But it’s his record and Pep’s is much deeper.

      • October 22, 2024 at 5:18 pm

        Thank you for sharing this wonderful story.

    • February 12, 2021 at 2:22 pm

      Pep beat three guys who beat Sandy.

  • February 12, 2022 at 5:06 am

    The debate continues between those who wonder how Pep is generally rated over Saddler when Saddler beat Pep three out of four bouts by stoppage. One point of view is that Pep was past his best by the time he fought Saddler, partly due to a plane crash. Another is that Saddler lost more decisions because he was black, and Pep has more fans because he was white. The most conclusive argument to me is their records inside the distance. What happened when three white guys didn’t get the chance to decide who won the fight? While Pep’s record in such fights is a very impressive 65-6, Saddler’s is an ungodly 105-1 and that loss was in his second fight. That is, to me, perhaps the most remarkable record in the history of boxing, even more impressive than Pep’s record when he met Saddler, and raises Saddler to an even loftier place among the greats than Pep. In any case, both of them are among the all-time greats.

  • January 10, 2024 at 10:17 pm

    Pep did not really lose the third fight. He was well ahead on points when his shoulder was separated, most likely due to Saddler twisting his arm. By today’s rules, Pep would have won by technical decision or, if the referee deemed it, Saddler would have been disqualified. As it was, after the fight, Pep was never quite the same, as his shoulder injury had limited his punching ability.

  • February 12, 2024 at 7:51 am

    Let me get this right? In a contact sport where you will be on occasion head butted when clinching or possibly arms getting twisted in a clinch now Sadfler is a Brazilian Ju Jitsu fighter who twists Pepps arm and that’s why Pepp lost yet he was ahead and that’s the reason why Saddler didn’t really win? That’s like saying Manny Pachiao didn’t lose to Floyd Mayweather Jr. because Pachaio had an injured soldier but fought anyway. You’re gabbing straws man. Boxers will intentionally use illegal tactics but they will also unintentionally interlock when clinching.

  • September 5, 2024 at 6:09 am

    After his rematch with Saddler, Pep, who had well over one hundred fights, plus a very hard physical recovery from a near-fatal plain crash, was past his prime. A careful review of his boxing record will demonstrate this. His victory over Saddler was not only masterful and dominant, it highlighted Pep’s superb grittiness and boxing cunning against an almost equally talented opponent.

    When Pep suffered his physical trauma the airplane wreck (which tragically killed several others) his doctors said to him he would never fight again. Pep’s injuries were severe and manifold. Pep’s insatiable courage and work ethic proved his detractors horribly wrong.

    After 1 year of intensive rehab, Pep was back, in the boxing ring, sucessfully defending his world featherweight boxing title against world class opposition, minus the brilliantly brawling Sandy Saddler, who had neither Pep’s extensive boxing mileage nor battle

    After defeating the remarkable Saddler in his rematch, Pep took on at least a dozen very tough featherweight contenders, in rapid succession, before losing the crown again to Saddler, when he dislocated his shoulder in round 8 of the rubber match. He was well ahead on points vs Saddler at the time of his TKO loss.
    But Pep’s miraculous recovery following his plane crash was not enough to return him to his former glory, although he came close. His longevity in athletics was badly curtailed by the airplane crash, as was Pep’s once outstanding durability, which slowly began to vanish. Saddler, who was much younger than Pep and lacked Pep’s far-ranging wear and tear, would prove more resilient after bout 2.

    I hope this answers your question. Pep peaked in bout 2 vs Sandy Saddler. His rematch performance against Saddler is widely regarded as the greatest single athletic effort in featherweight history. Saddler’s great victories (which came later) pale in comparison to Pep’s accomplishments because Pep typically fought better fighters than did Saddler during his title reigns and Saddler never once during his excellent career ever suffered a tremendous physical disaster as did Willie Pep. Here ends the lesson.

  • September 10, 2024 at 10:34 pm

    We should also remember that Pep’s airplane injuries were very extensive and dangerous. Several other people died on board that plane when it calamitously fell from the sky. In the 1940s, aviation safety equipment was pretty much lackluster. So we don’t have to make a major leap of logic to determine that Pep did get severely injured, especially with respect to his back.

    Does anyone really think Willie Pep would walk away without any bodily harm, after his airplane fell from thousands of feet in the air?
    We need to be serious here. Also, Pep, who fought at this time at least monthly or often twice a month, would never have taken off 1 year from boxing, unless he was seriously hurt.
    It would have cost him too much money. Pep needed this time off to heal his body. We also must include in our historical discussion that fighters at this point in time fought monthly to make ends meet. It was not an uncommon reality. Fighters in the 1940s who fought monthly were Henry Armstrong, Willie Pep, Sugar Ray Robinson and Archie Moore.

    Pep had to tell the newspapers his injuries were not severe because if he did not, the negative publicity would have killed his career. His boxing license very well could have been revoked in most American states. This is what would likely have happened. State medical boards would probably have refused him medical clearance to fight because a badly damaged spine was not an injury that patients usually recovered from in the 1940s. So, Pep kept his mouth shut regarding his injuries. Recovering from those injuries took all Pep had in his arsenal. By the time he faced a young dynamo like Saddler, Pep was operating on borrowed time. Saddler was younger than Pep and much less ring-worn. The facts speak for themselves and they are clear.


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